A typical home up to 1500 sq ft is $475.
1501-2500 sq ft home is $475-$500
2501-5000 sq ft home is $500 - $650
>5000 sq ft (contact for price quote)
Townhome/Condo $425-$475
*Prices may vary depending on multiple HVAC systems, Water heaters, Electrical panels, Attic spaces, outbuildings
A single-family Home Inspection generally takes 3-4 hours. Larger homes may take 4-5 hours or more.
Yes. You are welcome to attend the whole Inspection if you like. If you prefer, you may just show up for the last hour for a full review of the Inspection. This option seems to work out very well. Buying a house is a Big Deal, and I want you to do what you are most comfortable with.
Yes, Radon tests, Sewer Line Inspections, Level 2 Chimney Inspections, Stucco Testing, Mold Inspections, Intrusive Wood Foundation Inspection and Water testing.
Additional testing is outsourced to 3rd party companies (Homefax Radon Services, Drain Busters, Inspections Services of MN).
Yes. We are fully insured with Liability and E&O coverage through Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association (MJUA).
I have been performing Home Inspections since 2002. Minnesota does not require licensing, but I am a Certified Real Estate Inspector (CRI) through ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors). I have also graduated from the American Home Inspection Training Institute (AHIT) Master program.